Our community
Our voice
Our founders envisioned a government of, by, and for the people, and that is at the center of Danielle’s work as a state legislator and of her campaign for re-election. Danielle’s political vision rests on four pillars:

Good Governance
Good governance means bringing the state closer to the democracy envisioned by our founders. This can be made possible by removing barriers that prevent us from voting and having a voice in government.
It means taking big money out of politics. It means an end to gerrymandering. And it means everyone has a chance to participate equally, regardless of income, race, or gender.
The days of corporations and lobbyists buying the laws they want at the expense of our communities must come to an end.

Protecting Our Environment
The shift away from fossil fuels is global, and it’s happening every day. From 2010 to 2018, the amount of energy generated in the U.S. by solar power increased by 4,600%.*
This transition creates significant economic opportunities, including family-sustaining careers at all skill and education levels. Danielle Otten is fighting to ensure that the citizens of Pennsylvania thrive in this new energy paradigm.
Clean energy is a path forward to a bright economic and environmental future, providing a safer, healthier life for all Pennsylvanians. If we truly want to grow our economy, reduce air and water pollution, protect public health, and create exciting job opportunities for Pennsylvania workers, we must invest in clean energy right now.
*Source: The Pew Research Center; January, 2020.

Quality Affordable Healthcare
The citizens of Chester County and all of Pennsylvania deserve access to quality, affordable healthcare. Danielle believes that quality healthcare is a right for all of her constituents, not a privilege for the wealthy.
Danielle is committed to building capacity and expanding access in our healthcare system. This includes standing up for our healthcare workers. The people who care for the people we love should be able to provide for themselves and their families. One job should be enough.

Improving Public Education
A quality education is also a right, not a privilege, for the residents of Chester County. A quality education opens up career opportunities, and an informed public is the bedrock for a functioning democracy.
In Pennsylvania, a long history of insufficient funding, unfunded mandates, and unfair funding formulas has eroded our public schools. Danielle is committed to getting our schools the funding they need by closing corporate loopholes and reducing the tax burden on working families.
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