It’s time to get real work done for the citizens of Pennsylvania and Chester County!

Ethics and good government
Every one of us pays the price for corrupt or inept elected officials. Since 2010, there have been 6 credit downgrades in Pennsylvania, costing taxpayers more than $100,000,000 each year.
Danielle is committed to promoting good governance by:
Fixing Republican gerrymandering so that citizens’ votes actually count
Fixing a tax system that punishes working families and gives hand-outs to the wealthy and to corporations
Making it easy for citizens to vote
Not accepting contributions from corporate PACs

Protecting the environment
The state constitution grants every Pennsylvanian the right to clean air and water. Time and again, Representative Otten has used her organizational and policy skills to make it harder for Big Oil and other polluters to wreak havoc in our neighborhoods and communities.

Danielle is committed to giving the students of Chester County and Pennsylvania a better future by:
Fully and equitably funding our public schools
Closing corporate tax shelters and loopholes to increase revenue for public schools while reducing the tax burden on senior citizens and working families
Holding charter schools to the same standards of transparency and accountability as public schools
Expanding pre-K, full-day kindergarten, and STEM and arts programs
Reducing or eliminating standardized testing
Mandating recess and lunch time for students and teachers
Ensuring that plans for online or blended instruction create equity and access for every student as we adapt educational models to prevent the spread of COVID-19

Danielle will fight to make sure health care is a right for all Pennsylvanians. She will:
Work toward real solutions to the opioid crisis by making addiction and mental health services affordable and accessible
Work to bring down costs for premiums, co-pays, and prescription drugs
Fight to stop the denial of health insurance coverage because of pre-existing conditions
Stand up for nurses by supporting safe staffing limits
Simplify our healthcare so doctors and nurses can focus on patients instead of insurance company red tape

Common sense and common ground gun safety
Danielle has been recognized as a Mom’s Demand Action and CeaseFire PA Gun Sense Candidate. She has a 100% rating with CeaseFire PA. She supports organizations like Gun Sense Chester County, which brings gun owners and non-gun owners together to discuss common ground solutions to gun safety in our communities. Danielle is a strong advocate for:
Investment in solving the overall violence problem in our communities
A background check with every gun purchase
A minimum age for gun purchases and child access prevention policies
Banning bump stocks and limiting the size of magazines
Requiring a permit for concealed carry
Danielle does not support arming teachers or school staff outside of law enforcement professionals.

Empowering women
Now, as much as ever before, we need to stand up for women in Pennsylvania. Danielle will:
Support implementing a paid family leave program
Protect women and provide accountability for workplace harassment
Stand up for access to women’s health care, including birth control
Protect a woman’s right to choose
Want to know more?
Danielle responds to voters’ questions about these issues and more on the FAQs page.
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